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Don't judge, it was the 80s

I read. A lot. Since no one who lives with me will listen to me go on and on about the kinds of books I read, I blog and review.

From the moment I first closed the book with Scarlett vowing that tomorrow is another day, I’ve been in love with books about love. Through the years, my collection has grown to include many genres of books including historical non-fiction, mysteries and things that made me sleep with the light on, but stories with the promise of a happily ever after have been my favorites. What used to only be a choice between historical or contemporary has expanded to include fantasy, paranormal, urban fantasy, dystopian, steampunk and so much more.

Somewhere along the way, I managed to have a son that’s scary smart that I blame any gray hair on. I’m pretty sure he thinks I’m his car rental agent. I also have a cat that’s not that smart. I’m pretty sure she thinks I’m her butler. Reading, writing and doing useless computer surfing takes up just enough time that I’m not able to cook or do ridiculous things like strenuous exercise. I have been known to torture my eyes working on quilts though, with my love of fat quarters coming in second to my love of books.

That’s an old picture, believe it or not.
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Cait Bio PicUnlike Barbara, I have no problem posting current photos of myself. Well, more current anyway. At least my photo was taken some time in this century.

Like Barbara, I read. A lot. At least a book a day, if I can help it. Romance is my bread and butter, and I can’t live without my happily ever after’s. I stumbled upon Catherine Coulter at the ripe ol’ age of 11 and I haven’t looked back since. I lose myself in the stories of swashbuckling heroes, immortal vampires, awkward high school romance, sexy Alpha werewolves and kick-butt heroines that always save the day. I have an actual ‘Fictional Couple Hall of Fame’ and some of the more popular names listed in there are: Cat & Bones, Kate & Curran, Mac & Barrons, Rose & Dimitri, Dragos & Pia, and Anna & Etienne.

In real life, I’m a stay at home mom and I spend my days chasing around my little munchkin and changing diapers. I also love to have friends over for dinner, host game nights and snuggle on the couch next to my hubs and watch a good movie. My little family is currently living in the Memphis area, and we’re enjoying the delicious bbq and trying to not to melt in the 115 degree summers.

I’m so excited and humbled to be Barbara’s minion, as she’s my book reviewing idol. I’m nowhere near as good a writer as her, but I’ll do my best. 😉
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